Benefits of Material Handling Equipment for the Big Operator

Author: MHA Products  Date Posted:17 August 2021 

Product storage is something every business needs to consider. While most can be happy with the average warehouse facility, larger manufacturers and retailers need more. For those who require high-capacity facilities over a large area, the benefits from carefully choosing the right material handling equipment and storage systems are significant. Getting the most out of material handling equipment depends on a number of factors. Not least is the size of the operation, but also the nature of the products being handled, and the flow frequency within your operation. 

For decades, MHA Products have been helping large factory and warehousing clients find the right high-quality equipment for their specific needs, and in doing so help them achieve greater efficiency and growth. But the process begins with a careful examination.




Knowing exactly what type of material handling equipment best suits your operation is key to maximising their impact. Before purchasing, it is worth asking a few questions and some examples include-

  • What weights need to be catered for? Expandable conveyors may be the best choice for heavy or bulky items. Reudcing manual strain and risk of injury, these conveyor systems are guaranteed to make the task of handling products easier.
  • What is the size range of stored or moved items? Adjustable pallet racking rows might be preferred. With various types available, these units are sufficient for the storage of multiple items. 
  • What distances typically need to be covered? Consider whether forklifts, tow tractors or simply platform trolleys will perform the job most efficiently.
  • How many levels does the storage facility have? A scissor lift might be sufficient but a forklift safety cage may be required for moving items from higher levels, safely.
  • What level of access is required? Electric order pickers, to crane platform cages, to container ramps may all need to be considered.
  • Is the material being handled in bulk? If the material is a food or liquid, the specific bulk material handling demands need to be considered, like conveyor systems.


Automatic Systems and Software

For large factories and major warehousing complexes, moving and storing products is only part of the overall challenge. Keeping track of these movements is also essential. There are automatic systems and software that work together to simplify that requirement, incorporating conveyor systems, shuttles, monorail vehicles, and even fully automated storage and retrieval systems (known as ASRS). When handling time, system efficiency and lower injury risks are taken into account, the overall operational costs can fall dramatically. And when your operation is large scale, the savings can translate to millions of dollars, making the investment in material handling equipment well and truly worth it.


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