The Best Stillage Cage for your Workplace

Date Posted:28 September 2021 

Stillage Mesh Cage (with fold down sides)Stackable Stillage CageZinc Plated Storage Cage

Stillage cages provide a great storage solution, especially for handling bulk items and equipment. Stillage cages are perfect for warehousing, retail, manufacturing and production applications. MHA’s vast range of stillage cages are designed to increase storage efficiency and reduce workplace safety issues. Warehouses often use wooden pallets to store and move goods, however, this can present a problem when dealing with heavy materials. Wooden pallets are often unsuitable for heavy weight loads and may present a safety risk when being stacked or tightly packed with items as a result. Stillage systems are the obvious solution. Like wooden pallets, stillages are used to organise, contain and separate products. In warehouse terms, they make up part of your filing and transport system for heavy materials. Stillages help you organise your warehouse products and save space. They are also designed to come apart for easy storage in your warehouse racking system. Furthermore, there is less waste when it comes to stillages – you won’t have to deal with broken wooden pallets.

MHA’s Stackable Stillage Cage is an excellent from of warehouse and yard storage. It is particularly designed to store long, awkward objects for easy transport, and may be stacked to make use of vertical space in your warehouse. These stillage cages can be efficiently stacked 3 high when not being used.

MHA’s range extends to the Stillage Pallet Cage (with hardwood pallet) which is a multi-purpose transport/storage cage, great for storing products both indoor and outdoor. This pallet cage features a drop-down removable gate too. For extreme efficiency, these pallet cages can also be stored on pallet racking.

MHA offer a selection of Stillage Mesh Cages (with foldable sides) which combine the usefulness of mesh cages with the flexibility of stillages. These cages can be stacked higher than the normal mesh cage, due to the featured stillage posts. Additionally, these stillage cages are guaranteed pallet rack safe, with built in racking locators, making it an ideal storage cage and safe storage on pallet racking.

The range of stillage cages also includes larger ones, such as the Zinc Plated Storage Cage (Extra Wide). These double length cages are idea for storage of long and awkward items, with the front and rear gates folding down to allow for safe, easy and fast access to goods. Again, like most of the MHA range, these cages are pallet rack safe with a unique positive locking base design.

For more information on MHA’s stillage cage or the best stillage cage for your particular workplace, MHA’s entire range of Storage Cages provide the insight required. Stillages are designed and engineered to withstand high weight loads, frequent use and extreme temperatures. What this means in practice is a safe storage and transport system that isn’t likely to splinter and break like wood. This means a safer workplace all around. Stillages are easy to stack with a forklift and provide an alternative to racking systems if required. In contrast to wooden pallets, stillages are also much more secure and not inclined to collapse.

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