Improve Order Picking Accuracy with the Effective Storage Solutions

Date Posted:6 September 2024 

Improving order picking accuracy is essential for maintaining operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

In the world of logistics and warehousing, order picking accuracy is crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. A single mistake in picking can lead to delays, returns, and unhappy customers. One of the most effective ways to enhance order picking accuracy is by investing in the right storage solutions. Here’s how optimising your storage setup can lead to more precise order picking and smoother operations overall.


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Understanding the Importance of Order Picking Accuracy

Before diving into storage solutions, it's important to understand why order picking accuracy matters. Accurate order picking ensures that customers receive the right products, which directly impacts their satisfaction and loyalty. Errors in order picking can lead to increased return rates, extra handling costs, and damage to your brand reputation. Thus, improving picking accuracy is not just about efficiency; it’s also about delivering a positive customer experience.

Tip: Regularly review your order picking accuracy metrics and customer feedback to identify areas for improvement.


Optimise Storage Layout for Efficiency

The layout of your storage area can greatly influence order picking accuracy. A well-organised layout reduces the time spent searching for items and minimises the risk of picking errors.

Key Strategies:

  • ABC Classification: Use the ABC classification method to organise products based on their picking frequency. Place high-demand items (A) closer to the picking area and less frequently picked items (C) further away.
  • Batch Picking: Implement batch picking where multiple orders are picked simultaneously. This can reduce travel time and minimise errors, especially in environments with high order volumes.

Tip: Regularly analyse your picking data to adjust the layout as needed and accommodate changes in order patterns.


Invest in Efficient Racking Systems

The choice of racking systems plays a significant role in order picking accuracy. Efficient racking systems enhance accessibility and organisation, making it easier for pickers to locate and retrieve items.

Recommended Racking Systems:

  • Mobile Racking: Mobile racking systems can maximise space utilisation and reduce aisle width, making it easier for pickers to access high-density storage areas.
  • Flow Racking: Flow racking systems use gravity to move items forward, ensuring that pickers always have access to the oldest stock first. This reduces the risk of picking errors related to expired or outdated inventory.

Tip: Choose racking systems that can be customised to fit your specific product types and warehouse layout.

Implement Technology for Accuracy

Technology can be a game-changer in improving order picking accuracy. Various technological solutions can assist in tracking inventory, guiding pickers, and reducing errors.

Technological Solutions:

  • Barcode Scanners: Barcode scanners help confirm the identity and quantity of items being picked. They provide real-time data and alerts if an incorrect item is scanned.
  • Pick-to-Light Systems: Pick-to-light systems use LED lights to guide pickers to the correct location and quantity of items. This visual cue helps reduce errors and speed up the picking process.
  • Warehouse Management Systems (WMS): A WMS integrates with your storage solutions to manage inventory, optimise picking routes, and provide real-time data on stock levels and order status.

Tip: Invest in training for your staff to effectively use new technologies and integrate them into your order picking processes.


Maintain Proper Labelling and Signage

Clear and accurate labelling is essential for effective order picking. Proper labelling and signage help pickers quickly identify products and their locations, reducing the likelihood of mistakes.

Labelling Best Practices:

  • Consistent Labels: Use consistent and clear labels that include product names, SKUs, and barcodes. Ensure labels are easily readable and durable.
  • Signage: Implement clear signage in your storage areas to guide pickers and highlight important locations such as high-demand items or special handling instructions.

Tip: Regularly review and update labelling and signage to ensure they remain accurate and relevant.


Regularly Review and Adjust Your Storage Solutions

Order picking accuracy is not a static goal but one that requires continuous improvement. Regularly reviewing and adjusting your storage solutions can help address any emerging issues and optimise your processes.

Review Strategies:

  • Audits: Conduct regular audits of your storage solutions and picking processes to identify inefficiencies or areas for improvement.
  • Feedback: Gather feedback from your picking staff about the effectiveness of your storage solutions and make adjustments based on their insights.

Tip: Use data from order picking accuracy metrics to inform your reviews and make data-driven decisions.